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Impact Score

Assigning an ESG impact score to every UK company, regardless of size

Using a combination of public and proprietary data, mnAi’s impact engine uses variables including emissions, gender and risk to assign impact scores to companies. This ‘Impact Score’ solution can help your company meet ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) targets and gain vital insights into the impact of other organisations.

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The problem

Investor, customer and supply chain pressures are changing the way that companies need to think about their ESG credentials. Yet a lack of clear data, insight and analysis makes it hard to measure how well organisations are meeting their targets.

The solution

mnAi’s ‘Impact Score’ has been developed in conjunction with input from Industry and Academia. Using variables including emissions, gender, ethnicity and risk, the impact engine assigns a score to all UK companies, regardless of size.

The benefits

Each company’s score is unique and is based on a combination of the variables that takes their specific circumstances into account to indicate their ESG impact.

Supply Chain - Combination


Reported data is used to train sophisticated data engines to produce highly accurate results.

Gender - Impact


All companies have a maximum of 600 points available in the assessment with the highest scoring companies deemed to be those having the greatest ESG impact.

Data in action

Industrial Insight

  • National, regional and local macro and micro economic insight by Impact
  • Sectoral and industrial macro and micro economic insight by Impact
  • Growth and investment macro and micro economic insight by Impact
  • Employment numbers by Impact
  • Demographics by Impact
  • Autonomous supply chain benchmarking including Impact

Company Profile

  • Radial chart based on impact
  • Comparison chart – company vs industry
  • Comparison table – company vs industry (actual)
  • Comparison table – company vs industry (% per GHGe)
  • Reported Carbon KiloTonnage table

Person Profile

  • Comparison table of all corporate involvement by summary and detailed Impact analysis
  • Comparison chart at summary level of all involvement ranked by Impact
  • Individual radial charts for all corporate involvement

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