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22 Aug 2023

Emissions Data: A New Frontier in Risk Modelling for Businesses

Emissions Data: A New Frontier in Risk Modelling for Businesses

In today’s world, climate change presents both daunting challenges and unprecedented opportunities for businesses worldwide. To effectively address their climate change obligations and comprehend their impact on operations, assets, and stakeholders, companies are turning to a powerful combination of risk modelling and emissions data. 

Risk modelling is a process that empowers companies to assess and anticipate the potential risks and opportunities linked to climate change. By analysing data and employing statistical models, businesses can predict the likelihood and impact of various climate-related events. Armed with this information, companies can develop strategies to mitigate risks and capitalise on potential advantages.

One prime example of how risk modelling leverages emissions data is through identifying and addressing greenhouse gas emissions. By understanding the impact of these emissions, businesses can invest in renewable energy to reduce their carbon footprint and take steps towards combating climate change.

The significance of emissions data has escalated due to the growing awareness of greenhouse gas emissions’ impact on the environment. Companies are now expected to demonstrate how they assess and mitigate their contribution to climate change. Simply by tracking and reporting emissions data, businesses can showcase their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint and addressing the climate emergency.

Emissions data also plays a pivotal role in measuring a company’s progress toward achieving its climate goals and targets. By comparing their emissions data with industry benchmarks and best practices, businesses can swiftly identify areas for improvement and innovation. Moreover, emissions data facilitates transparent communication of a company’s climate performance to stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, and regulators.

The mnAi data platform emerges as a key player in this landscape, providing invaluable insights and analytics in a business world increasingly focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) priorities. With access to over 12 billion data points, mnAi monitors more than 9 million UK companies and 37 million individuals, providing real-time updates. This comprehensive data, including elusive emissions data points, empowers businesses to make informed decisions that drive efficiency and growth.

Using its award-winning technology, mnAi provides businesses and investors with invaluable data and insights for research and due diligence on unlisted UK companies across various sectors and geographies. This level of understanding enables companies and investors to gain unique insights, make data-driven decisions, and enhance revenue growth and customer service. By leveraging mnAi’s extensive data sets, including emissions data, businesses can conduct their own risk modelling to identify potential climate-related risks and implement effective strategies to mitigate them. mnAI’s platform equips companies with the necessary tools to perform data-driven risk assessments, enabling them to navigate challenges and capitalise on opportunities presented by the global climate transformation.

In conclusion, for companies and investors seeking to comprehend the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and make informed decisions, engaging in risk modelling and leveraging insights from extensive data sets and cutting-edge technology is the optimal starting point. Embracing emissions data as a new frontier in risk modelling equips businesses with the tools they need to navigate the challenges and capitalise on the opportunities presented by the global climate transformation.